Monday, February 4, 2013

Dotting tool hearts

This is your tool. Smaller end is used to fill in spaces to straighten out the edges of your heart (you could also use a nail art brush for this part) and the end with the ball is used to make your dots. (I got mine in a set of 5, each with 2 different sized tips on 

(Sorry the images are so tiny but its hard to get a closer picture to come out well when you are working when such tiny stuff. )

^^First you take your dotting tool (using the end WITH the ball) and make 3 small dots like shown. You want them slightly overlapping.

Next, you will use the opposite end of your dotting tool (without the ball. Just the tip) and use it to fill in between the circles. You will want to pick up a bit of your polish not just dragging out the color. I also Pull down the sides a bit to make the end more pointed.

Note : I have seen other tutorials for these but this is how I do them. It is a little different than some of the other ones.

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