Monday, February 24, 2014

Wicked Polish Order

On February 2nd Wicked Polish did a restock and I made sure I had extra money to order. I knew I was going to go a bit crazy. I LOVE Wicked Polish and had been wanting to get a few bottles for AGES but I'd never seen the store stocked and couldn't find them stocked anywhere else either. I ended up buying 10 bottles. There were only 2 I missed. One was sold out already (less than 45 minutes after the restock went live) and the other I skipped because I decided the 10 bottles was already enough of a hit on my bank account.

My order was so big that they had to get a bigger box to send mine out. So it took a bit longer to get to me. I waited very patiently, at least, I tried to. But I finally got them in on Saturday the 22nd.

They were each bubble wrapped in a bubble packet.

All 10 bottles arrived safely.

Drunk In Public- Hematoma - Fairy Blood Spatter

Hallucinating Gremlins - Arson - Expired Pixie Dust

Mangled Mermaid - Stabbed By A Unicorn

Pox - Hung Over The Rainbow

So far I have tried 2 of them and I will have photos up as soon as I try a couple more. I can't just swatch these and remove them. So far both I've tried have been awesome and I have to wear them at least a day before I remove it otherwise I feel like I'm just wasting the polish. I'll probably do them in 2 posts. Polishes for each but I'm not sure yet. If it gets to Friday and I still only have 3 or 4 used I'll probably go ahead and post those then.

So excited to try the rest of these out. So many super pretty polishes.

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